Highlights From Our 2023 Virtual Conference
We went virtual this year for our 2023 Conference! No real precautions in place, except against the snow (joking—see photo below), and saving a few miles for everyone who would have had to travel far and wide to Minnesota. It's really just part of our rotation, which includes the two other more enticing in-person locations of Orlando and Fort Worth. The conference itself was filled with the celebration of accomplishments, milestones, and people. Here's a quick recap of the two hours we spent together:
- There were about 100 of us in attendance (which is fantastic but makes it nearly impossible to get a group photo all on one screen, ha!).
- We were joined by Brent Anderson, President of ATS.
- Our CFO gave a company update, we learned about our new technology infrastructure, and we were presented with a full financial review of 2022 by our Sr. VP, Jason Netland.
- 72 revenue-based awards were given to agents for 2022 along with 6 growth awards—the most we've ever given!
Thanks to all who joined and participated, and congratulations to our award winners. Looking forward to next year!