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Staying Organized as a Freight Agent: Tips to Streamline Your Workspace

The beginning of the year is a great time to clear space for better productivity and clear thinking as the experienced freight agent you are. No matter if you’re in an office, a coworking space, or at home, the state of your work environment can significantly impact your stress levels and performance. Clear some clutter and clear your mind with these quip tips for getting it together when it comes to your daily workspace.

Evaluate Your Location
Not everyone can up and change the physical location of where they work, but there are small edits that can make a positive impact. Are you in a quiet enough space to talk to customers and carriers without distractions, and if not, can you invest in noise-cancelling headphones that will also work for your phone calls? If at home, do you have a desk or better yet, a whole room, that’s solely dedicated to you and your work life? If at an office, do you have enough lighting to perk you up each day? The simple addition of a desk lamp or daylight simulator can do wonders for very little money.

Sort and Stash
Storage solutions are your friend. With a cluttered desk, it’s hard to hone in on the task at hand. Consider investing in shelves, cabinets, or drawers to keep important documents and supplies within reach but out of sight. Desktop organizers can also keep what you do need in sight in much better shape. Leave open space to spread out when you need to, but have a plan in place for organizing active projects as you move from task to task.

Declutter Regularly
It's easy for paperwork and other items to pile up on our desks without us noticing until it becomes overwhelming. Make organizing papers part of your wind-down ritual at the end of each day so that you start tomorrow with a clean slate. And make it a habit to fully declutter your workspace at least once a week by throwing away unnecessary papers and organizing any loose items. Clear non-essential items out of your way as well. If you’re into desk trinkets, cool. If you’re letting soda cans pile up, not so much.

Be Digitally Tidy, Too
Beyond our physical workspace, our computers and phones need attention as well. On your phone, put all work-related apps and shortcuts on the same screen or within a folder so you’re not distracted by all the other things your phone is begging you to look at. On your computer, ensure you have a system for storing pertinent documents and make it a habit. A cluttered computer desktop is overwhelming and leads to missing items when you need it most. Plus, clearing everything from this space allows your machine to work smoother, just like you. Lastly, keep your digital tools up to date on a regular basis so they’re fresh and ready when you are.

With a well-organized workspace, you can increase productivity and get that much closer to achieving your other goals as a freight agent. Small things make a big impact, and they are something we fully support here at Sureway. Interested in joining our independent agent program? Learn more at

